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last updated: 01-27-25

Work Experience

Sep 2022 - Present
Software Engineer II
Jun 2021 - Sep 2022
Software Engineer I
Working as part of a team on global scale data center infrastructure in Azure Networking.
  • Maintained software defined networking for a global network of over 300 data centers.
  • Coordinating development and testing with multiple internal teams and external vendors.
  • Managed feature lifecycle from design and development to testing and deployment.
  • Implemented performance testing to improve reliability of 99.999 percentile of requests.
  • Worked with legacy codebase to improve database transaction speeds by over 500%.
May 2019 - Aug 2019
Software Engineer Intern
  • Developed a high performance networking tool with Kafka, Maven, H2, SQL, Redis, S3, AWS, and Java.
  • Shipped and tested a user interface to modify server state and configuration with React and Redux.
  • Updated libraries to use continuous integration and deployment with Jenkins, AWS, Docker, and Github.
May 2018 - May 2019
Machine Learning Research
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
  • Investigated Artificial Neural Network with Tensor Flow to analyze patient records.
  • Automated data generation for research with Python, Perl, R, shell and parallel computing.
  • Evaluated machine learning methods, SVM, Random Forest, LSTM to find protein binding sites.


Class of 2021
University of Cincinnati
College of Engineering and Applied Science
  • Accelerated Masters/Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
  • University Honors Program, Dean’s List

Activities and Involvement

Dec 2020 - Present
YouTube Channel
Working independently creating open source software and educational content via YouTube
  • Working independently creating open source software and educational content via YouTube
  • Hosted a YouTube channel with over 17,000 subscribers and 2,000,000 views.
  • Uploaded videos about software and game development with 145,000 hours of watch time.
  • Developed samples with Unity3D and Godot using C#, C, C++, and GitHub Actions.
  • Maintaining multiple open source projects hosted via GitHub for demonstrations.
  • Edited and recorded videos using Adobe Creative Cloud and Premier Pro.
Oct 2021 - Present
Unity Game Engine - nickmaltbie.com/OpenKCC
  • Created an open source framework for 3D player movement space.
  • Developed extensions for network communication leveraging existing libraries.
  • Automated deployment and testing of software via CI/CD in GitHub with WebGL and DocFx.


Programming Languages
  • C#, C, C++, Haskell, Java, Javascript, MATLAB, Perl, PowerShell, Python, R, React, SQL, XML
  • .NET, Amazon Web Services, Anaconda, Azure, Blender, Docker, Git, Github, Google Cloud Platform, Jenkins, JUnit, Kafka, Linux, MSTest, Redis, Scipy, Service Fabric, Springboot, TensorFlow, Visual Studio