We worked with a team of about 10 people to design and create a game for Global Game Jam 2021. We participated at the local IDGA game jam site with our local university. We wanted to make a fun, online multiplayer game on January 29th-31st. We made the game using Unity 3D and the Mirror Networking library for online communications. The github page for this project has details and all the related assets for this project.

Project Cage is an online multiplayer game where you and your friends compete to recapture zoo animals which have escaped their homes!

Useful Links:

It was a fun 48 hour experience to make and build a game from scratch with a bunch of friends.

Team photo of avatars of each person who helped out with project

Thanks to everyone who helped make the project! Global Gam Jam 2021

  • Nicholas Maltbie - Leader, Code & Design
  • Samuel Scherer - Leader, Code & Design
  • Alex Heyl - Sound & Music
  • Allan Ong - Art, Players & Animations
  • Cara McCarthy - Art & Design
  • Daniel Sennett - Art & Sprites
  • Jake Glass - Art & Backgrounds
  • Joseph Mak - Code & Design
  • Timmy Buchanan - Code & Design
  • Zachary Scherer - Art & Backgrounds